Search Tag: patient care

IMAGING Management

2023 23 Jun

Isala overcomes daily challenges with contextflow ADVANCE Chest CT   More patients in the healthcare system - that's what healthcare economists predict – and that means more radiological examinations and findings. "If the predictions come true, we will have to become more efficient in what we do. I see artificial intelligence (AI) as part of...Read more

IMAGING Management

2022 09 Nov

Affidea Senior Vice-President, Regional Chief Operating Officer Zisis Sotiriou talks to 4.5 days - that’s the average delay in patient care that an unforeseen failure in an MRI equipment might generate. Unplanned downtime from clinical equipment can negatively affect every aspect of the care delivery. From patient...Read more

IMAGING Management

2022 14 Jun

Find Global Engage On Social Media Read more

IMAGING Management

2020 20 Aug

According to ARRS' American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), electronic consultation not only offered primary care providers (PCPs) easy access to expert opinions by radiologists, it promoted collaboration between physicians that improved patient care, including avoiding unnecessary imaging tests. "The eConsult (Champlain BASE) electronic consultation...Read more

IMAGING Management

2020 17 Jul

The ECR 2020 Virtual is in full swing from July 15-21. During this critical moment, Mindray aims to provide you with a comprehensive solution which guarantees more precise diagnosis and trea tment for better patient care.  With deep insights into unmet clinical needs, Mindray offers a unique virtual tour with multiple intelligent applications...Read more

IMAGING Management

2020 16 Jul

Access the future of healthcare While healthcare organizations across the globe remain under pressure to deliver cost-effective and high-quality care, the COVID-19 challenge has exposed the vulnerabilities of our healthcare systems with their access and information silos. As we transition to the new normal, the path towards Enterprise Imaging...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 30 Oct

Radiology care means ensuring optimal use of imaging for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Needless to say, radiologists play an important role in helping referring physicians avoid ordering imaging tests that provide not much diagnostic value – and unnecessarily expose patients to radiation.     That's certainly the main reason behind the American...Read more

IMAGING Management

2020 25 Jun

Find Global Engage on Social Media Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 24 Sep

Multi-lingual POCUS educational tools are the result of global member demand FUJIFILM SonoSite, Inc., specialists in developing cutting-edge, point-of-care ultrasound solutions, today announced that its SonoSite Institute, a comprehensive online educational resource dedicated to empowering and educating healthcare providers about point-of-care...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 28 May

A new study endeavoured to research whether breast and colorectal cancer screening are related to the time of day a patient visits their primary care clinician. As part of this quality improvement study shows, both clinical ordering and patient completion of cancer screening tests decreased later in the day. The study published in JAMA found that...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 14 May

Artificial intelligence ( AI ) has shown promise to select heart failure patients for expensive treatments to prevent lethal arrhythmias , reports a study presented at ICNC 2019. The study is the first to use a machine learning algorithm to predict sudden death in heart failure patients . The International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 07 May

The shift to structured radiology reports has increased report clarity for referring providers and is supported by most radiologists. As the movement for increased transparency in healthcare continues, more and more patients are accessing their imaging reports via patient portals. When radiologists address the clinical question that was posed,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 30 Apr

Patients with advanced breast cancer benefit more through undergoing continuous chemotherapy which helps them both improve survival outcomes and maintain quality of life, as opposed to intermittent scheduling, according to new results of the Stop&Go study which will be presented at the ESMO Breast Cancer Congress 2-4 May, in Berlin, Germany....Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 17 Apr

The radiologist has always been considered the "doctor's doctor," advising referring clinicians. Recently there has been a shift in the care continue thrusting radiologists onto centre stage where they serve patients directly. The new norm in radiology is in the approach of patient-centred care . Physicians and healthcare providers 'team up' with...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 16 Apr

The spread of infectious diseases in hospitals and the increase in hospital deaths due to Health Care Acquired Infections is one of the leading concerns and main focus of clinicians worldwide. Hand hygiene in healthcare has proven to be the single most effective, simple and low-cost heath improvement component to increase infection control quality...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 27 Mar

Siemens Healthineers and Heart Center in Portugal partner for improved care continuum Red Cross Hospital in Lisbon opens one of the most modern heart centres in Portugal  Siemens Healthineers will provide a digital service solution including clinical workflow design, management of the medical equipment and strategic consulting...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 26 Mar

Automating symptoms recording clerical aspects of medical record keeping through speech recognition during a patient’s visit 1   could allow physicians to dedicate more time directly with patients, according to a new report published in JAMA Intern Med . Researchers considered the feasibility of using machine learning  to automatically populate...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 19 Mar

19 March, 2019 -  The European Society of Radiology (ESR) is pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of Esperanto, the ESR Guide to Clinical Audit in Radiology and Clinical Audit Tool, following its launch at ECR 2019. Esperanto is a free English language document developed by the ESR Audit and Standards Subcommittee of the ESR Quality,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 06 Mar

Dr.  Paul Sidhu , professor of Imaging Sciences and Consultant Radiologist King’s College London , UK, and President Elect of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology ( EFSUMB ) presented the Luigi Oliva Honorary Lecture at ECR2019 .   Professor Sidhu opened his lecture saying “I fully appreciate that ultrasound...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 20 Feb

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System conducted a survey study to understand preferences of f emale patients regarding what method and how quickly they want to be given screening mammogram results . Researchers found the majority of patients preferred to wait for mammogram results at the time of the appointment (i.e., same...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 13 Feb

An interesting line-up of activities is scheduled during the forthcoming European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2019 to celebrate EuroSafe Imaging 's five years of success in medical radiation protection. The programme aims to ensure that the issue of radiation protection in medical imaging is front and centre throughout the congress, organisers said. ...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 13 Feb

Executive Summary The majority of critical care patients (80%) undergo central venous catheterisations (CVCs) for administration of fluids or blood products; haemodynamic monitoring; haemodialysis or transvenous pacing. In this upcoming article in HealthManagement the Journal, Dr. Nidhi Nikhani, Assistant Medical Director at Banner Telehealth...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 30 Jan

Needless to say, radiology plays a critical role in healthcare delivery. It is rare for a patient to pass through a hospital without requiring the opinion of a radiologist somewhere along their journey – be it in triaging patients in the ER , assessing the need for treatment, or evaluating the effectiveness of treatment.  Equally important is...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 23 Jan talks  with # pinksocks founder Nick Adkins about the fascinating movement that started in healthcare and is spreading like wildfire in all industries- activating people to connect by sharing each other’s stories with compassion and empathy to work together. # pinksocks is a community united in changing the world from...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 26 Apr

Find RadiologyAsia on Social Media Read more

IMAGING Management

2018 20 Jun

Premier Inc., a leading healthcare improvement company, celebrated a decade of showcasing innovative products during its Innovation Celebration last night. The annual event honors supplier commitment to industry-leading healthcare advancements. “We are so proud to have been able to spotlight dozens of ground-breaking products over the past decade”...Read more

IMAGING Management

2018 29 May

In daily practice, clinical experts are often tasked with an overwhelming workload of routine ultrasonic exams, which requires them to minimize the time spent on each test but still get confidence-maximizing images. For them, nothing can be more helpful than the ability to get quality images within minutes. Inspired by insights into clinical...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 29 Jul

Point-of-care ultrasound is used on a daily basis to help assess and treat patients attending the emergency department London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital relies on point-of-care ultrasound to help assess and treat patients in its emergency department. EMED consultant Dr Parmy Deol explained: “The emergency department uses ultrasound...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 11 Jul

A dose management system (DMS) is essential to improving patient care and quality in a hospital's radiology unit or department, according to a new study published in the journal Physica Medica. You might also like : Radiation Dose Reduction for Common CT Examinations "It [DMS] can be configured to the needs of medical physicists, radiologists,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 20 Jun

In line with the shift from a volume- to a value-based system, radiologists are keen to have a more active role in patient care, despite constraints of time and workload, according to a new study published in the journal Radiology. Communication between patients and radiologists is a key element of patient-centred care, which focuses on the patient’s...Read more