Search Tag: mammogram

IMAGING Management

2023 02 Aug

A new study published in The Lancet Oncology showed that AI is safe to use in breast cancer detection and could assist doctors with finding cancer more effectively.   The new research is believed to be the first-ever randomized control trial comparing AI-assisted breast cancer detection with detection solely performed by experienced humans....Read more

IMAGING Management

2022 21 Jun

New findings published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevent show significant differences in the accuracy of diagnostic mammograms across racial and ethnic groups, with variation observed in several measures of diagnostic performance.  Several studies have already established that racial disparities exist in breast cancer. Multiple socioeconomic...Read more

Women's Health

2021 20 Jul

While the tattoo trend continues, many newly inked Generation X and Millennials have started undergoing regular breast screenings. Radiologists have been spotting pigment in lymph nodes much more frequently, and more disturbingly, tattoo pigment can mimic malignant breast cancer. With 38% of Millennials having at least 1 tattoo, 32% of Generation...Read more

Women's Health

2021 16 Jul

SAVING LIVES, MINIMIZING INVASIVE TREATMENTS “It’s an undisputed fact, and I don’t think anyone would disagree, that annual screening mammograms saves the most lives,” says Dr. Harriet Borofsky of Mills-Peninsula, one of five radiologists featured in this short video:  Why Mammography ? Unfortunately, according to Dr. Matthew Covington of...Read more

Women's Health

2021 05 Jul

According to the CDC’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, breast cancer screenings for underserved women decreased by 87%, and by 84% for cervical cancer, during April 2020 when compared to the previous five years of averages for the month. In a statement, lead study author and CDC health scientist Amy DeGroff said...Read more

Women's Health

2021 16 Jun

As much of the world ramps up COVID-19 vaccinations, questions continue to arise about the potential side effects of the available vaccines. Reports of blood clots from the AstraZeneca-Oxford and Johnson & Johnson vaccines amongst women have raised the question as to whether they are at higher risk — especially if they take hormonal birth...Read more

IMAGING Management

2021 03 Jun

Breast cancer has now overtaken lung cancer as the world’s mostly commonly-diagnosed cancer, according to statistics released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in December 2020.  Women often initially detect breast cancers themselves, either by self-examination (25%) or by accident (18%).  According to a 2018 survey of...Read more

IMAGING Management

2020 30 Sep

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is an annual campaign to increase awareness of breast cancer. The goal is to show every woman that her life is important and to ensure that every woman has access to education, screening, treatment, support and hope. According to the American Cancer Society , there are more than 270,000 new cases...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 29 Oct

A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool, trained on more than a million screening mammography images, can identify breast cancer with up to 90% accuracy when combined with analysis by radiologists.    The AI model was developed by New York University researchers who pointed out that their AI application is intended to optimise the work of...Read more

IMAGING Management

2020 07 Aug


IMAGING Management

2019 05 Jun

Approximately 50% of women in the United States between the ages of 40 to 74 years old have dense breasts (an estimated 27.6 million women). The recent widespread inclusion of breast density information into screening mammography reports in 36 US states and suggestion to consider supplemental imaging has resulted in creating awareness and leading ...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 14 May

Breast density is recognised as a risk factor for breast cancer, and dense breast tissue can decrease mammographic sensitivity, leading to diagnostic delay . This is of particular concern to women in their 40s and 50s , for whom the prevalence of dense breasts ranges from 38% to 57%. Concerns about the low sensitivity of screening mammography...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 07 May

Identifying women at risk for breast cancer is a critical component of effective early disease detection . Available models that use factors such as family history and genetics are inadequate in predicting an individual woman's likelihood of being diagnosed with the disease. Researchers from two major institutions have developed a new...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 19 Mar

New research shows that for women at low, intermediate, and high breast cancer ris k , there were significantly higher short-interval follow-up and biopsy recommendation rates with screening mammography plus s ame-day ultrasonography compared with mammography alone. However, no significant increase in cancer detection or decrease in interval...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 20 Feb

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Health System conducted a survey study to understand preferences of f emale patients regarding what method and how quickly they want to be given screening mammogram results . Researchers found the majority of patients preferred to wait for mammogram results at the time of the appointment (i.e., same...Read more

Health Management

2018 25 Jan

E x p a n d i ng L e a d e r s h i p b a s e d o n c l i n i c a l e v i d e n c e. In early September, Hologic launched the new 3Dimensions™ mammography system, a breast tomosynthesis system with the fastest and highest resolution, in EMEA. I recently had the pleasure of showcasing...Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 08 Jun

--Genius exam improves cancer detection and reduces recall rates for women of all ages and breast types, including the nearly 50 percent of women of breast cancer screening age who have dense breasts-- --Separate, recently published data analysis strongly supports starting breast cancer screening using tomosynthesis beginning at age 40-- Hologic,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 17 Nov

I first became interested in early detection of breast cancer as a child when my aunt died of it at age 60 after initial diagnosis at age 40. Eight years later, my mother was diagnosed with it when I was in high school. She had nipple retraction. Her mammogram was normal and she had dense breasts. The surgeon had her admitted to the hospital, telling...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 23 Aug

Researchers from the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network collaborated with the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) to model the benefits and harms of different screening intervals for mammography among subgroups of women on age, breast, cancer risk and breast density. Findings from the collaborative modeling study are published...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 09 Aug

A new article supports the recent changes made by the American Cancer Society in its recommendations for breast cancer screening. The new recommendations have modified the suggested ages for annual and biannual mammography and have also focused on patient preferences in decision making. The three primary recommendations by the ASC included: 1. Annual...Read more

Health Management

2016 01 Jul

Does Changing The Order Of Second Mammograms Reduce Detection? A study in the UK, where two film readers independently evaluate each mammogram for signs of cancer, has found that changing the order of examination between two sets of readings did not result in any significant difference in detecting breast cancer. The study, published in...Read more

Health Management

2016 01 Jul

Impact of Dense Breast Tissue On Reliability Of Mammograms The internet and social media have transformed our‏ lives. They have literally opened up a global connection ‏to those with similar interests and passions. In ‏my focused world of patient advocacy for breast health, ‏I meet innumerable women, fervent in their yearly breast ‏cancer...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 19 Apr

A false-positive screening for breast cancer may reduce the likelihood of a woman returning for her next planned mammogram if her prior test was within one and three years, a study at the University of North Carolina has found. Interestingly, however, the findings also suggest that a woman has a higher likelihood to return if her prior mammogram...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 11 Apr

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have discovered that women with higher levels of Ki67, a molecular marker that identifies proliferating cells in an area where the majority of breast cancers originate, had a five-fold chance of developing breast cancer. This is the first time scientists have been able to link the marker to precancerous...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 09 Dec

Women with dense breast often worry about breast cancer, but new research from Johns Hopkins shows that breast density alone does not affect their risk. Age and body fat are more important co-factors that contribute to breast cancer risk, according to the Johns Hopkins study published in the journal European Radiology . Previous studies suggest that...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 19 Oct

New research suggests that women are more likely to benefit from mammography screening if this is done at facilities with higher total interpretive volumes. Researchers point out that these higher volume facilities are significantly more likely to diagnose invasive tumours with good prognoses. Their findings are published in the Journal of Medical...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 11 Jul

Norway's Breast Cancer Screening Programme has come under closer scrutiny following new research showing that the screening results in overdiagnosis — for every life saved by the screening programme, five women are overdiagnosed and treated unnecessarily. The findings are based on a study conducted by the Research Council of Norway — upon...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 13 May

According to a new study published in Radiology , MRI can provide important information about a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. The findings suggest that MRI can play an expanded role in breast cancer screening and prevention. Previous studies show that dense breast tissue is associated with an increased likelihood of breast cancer development....Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 23 Apr

Researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) claim that a new "breast cancer risk analysis system" is on track to predict if and when breast cancer will appear. Although not yet complete, the computer-aided detection system has proved successful in early studies — with an accuracy of 70 percent when it came to predicting which women would...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 08 Apr

A study published this week in Health Affairs reports that the US spends an estimated $4 billion per year on unnecessary medical expenditures for women between the ages of 40 and 59 who see their doctors for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. The costs are related to mammograms that generate false alarms ($2.8 billion) and treatment for some...Read more