
In 10 years, the healthcare system will be a different beast. The power of technology and data will change the way we face the current challenges driving us towards more integrated care based on population health and value, with increased patient engagement. This all means the old healthcare provision paradigm is crumbling. Not that hospitals will not be there, but they will be reimagined. Like Mark Twain...


Summary: The technological advances showcased at RSNA 2019 pointed to a positive turning point for a leading radiologist who has seen the rises and falls of the profession over five decades. When traveling to my nearly 45th Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in November 2019, I felt mixed emotions. As my career is moving towards its close, I feel privileged and excited that I have been f...

Summary: The UK National Health Service (NHS) has been a cornerstone of deliberations for Brexit, Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU). Proceedings have put into high relief operational problems faced by the NHS with concerns over nurse numbers at the forefront. With the UK set to leave the EU on January 31, 2020, how is the NHS addressing the nursing shortage crisis? The UK voted to leave the...

HealthManagement.org rounds up exciting developments that have all the characteristics of game-changers for healthcare. What do you think? A study suggested that AI diagnoses breast cancer from mammograms more accurately than radiologists.A computer, specially designed and trained by a team of researchers from international bodies such as Google Health and Imperial College London, performed as well as...


Which clinical specialty will be most disrupted by Artificial Intelligence? Will it be radiology or narrative-based medicine? Prof. Mathias Goyen explains. The avalanche of healthcare data (clinical, imaging, genomic, lab etc) is mind-blowing and only likely to accelerate as precision health matures. Consequently, medicine will become even more data-dependent with the synergy between medicine and Artifici...

The value proposition of artificial intelligence solutions in healthcare have been well described1 and it is apparent that ‘narrow AI’ will have a role in every stage in the clinical workflow; in Radiology this means optimisation of every step in the pathway from the appropriateness of clinical requests for imaging2 to ensuring that recommendations from the radiology report are followed up.3 While the...

Management Matters

In 1989, Professor Andrew Walton founded Connect Health, a leading independent provider of community services to people with musculoskeletal (MSK) problems, which today serves over 300,000 National Health Service (NHS) patients per year. Prof. Walton, Executive Chair of Connect Health, Chair of MSK Partners Network (MSK PN) and Visiting Professor of Leeds Beckett University, spoke to HealthManagement.or...

Summary: Introducing innovative equipment to an established hospital department may seem like a challenge, and often is one. But the implications can be minimal if a proper management culture is in place and the staff is motivated to succeed. Head of a radiology department shares his experience of one such project. As a community hospital, Spital Männedorf in Männedorf, Switzerland, has an emergency sta...

Summary: Preventable medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., and it’s time to take action and change from a culture of deny and defend to a just culture of safety. It’s the only way we can begin to save lives. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released its groundbreaking report, ‘To Err is Human,’ which shook the healthcare industry to its core. The report found that as m...

Cover Story

Summary: Endless noise about new technologies in healthcare has providers struggling to find valuable tools among the vapourware. Conversations with thousands of providers, payers, and vendors can help us predict what healthcare will probably look like in 10 years. In healthcare, uncertainty about the future can yield damning apprehension or expensive gambles. With the industry at fever pitch over emergin...

In the process of ‘reimagining a hospital,’ one cannot overestimate the importance of architecture and design. HealthManagement.org asked a prominent figure in healthcare design, Christopher Shaw, Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Chair of Architects for Health and founder of healthcare planning and architects practice Medical Architecture, to share his vision of how hospitals will be...

Summary: An HIT expert gives his view on how healthcare can be revamped by harnessing technology for existing care modalities rather than overhauling the entire system. I think the next few years will be characterised by a much better exploitation of systems that are used routinely in the care system. My impression is that we have a lot of new modalities entering the market like tele-monitoring, self-moni...

Summary: Professor Stephen Baker provides an overview on how artificial intelligence is challenging the role of a radiologist. Over the past five years, I have been fascinated by the impress of artificial intelligence (AI) on the current practice of medicine and the exciting prospects it offers for the near future. The power of big data has shown itself clearly in investigations of diagnostic incisivenes...

Summary: As healthcare enters a new decade, will it need ‘superspecialists’ or ‘deep generalists’ – clinicians with the deep knowledge of one area of medicine, but also of a range of other areas. Prof. Levi spoke to HealthManagement.org about why the current subspecialisation-oriented model is unsustainable and how it can be changed through education. The consensus is that demand for certain spe...

Summary: Finland is leading the way in leveraging digitalisation in healthcare for a new model of care interaction and delivery. In the making for five years, the Health Village is a scalable, comprehensive digital service that brings significant cost savings and production efficiency to healthcare providers. The objective is to offer a global digital, tailored service platform that gathers the best profess...

Summary: We might be ready for the new hospital and the new healthcare system, but are we ready for the empowered patient? When we talk about the future of healthcare or the future of healthcare systems and hospitals, we tend to overlook one very important aspect: the patient. Yes, advanced technology, artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, deep learning, etc are expected to change the way w...

Summary: The big tech players are all making inroads into healthcare, bringing their industry know-how into a sector that is traditionally slow to adapt to change. Whether their impact will ultimately result in better resource management and cost savings remains to be seen, but they are definitely a force to be reckoned with. There is no doubt that technology has and will continue to disrupt healthcare. I...

Summary: Unsustainable increases in healthcare costs make it imperative that we rethink how the entire healthcare value chain is organised. This rethink includes the role of the hospital, which lies at the centre of the value chain. Costs have been soaring, with people living longer and their care needs increasing as they turn to the healthcare system more to manage chronic conditions like diabetes and he...

2020 marks the start of a new decade and, with factors such as the Silver Tsunami, digitalisation and emerging technologies that still have to prove their worth in the mix, it’s one which will be game-changing. HealthManagement.org spoke to four experts on what changes they think will lead to the most beneficial transformation in healthcare over the next ten years. Prof. Robert M. Wachter Chair, Departm...

Winning Practices

Summary: The European Institute’s for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD) total quality approach to data: four governance pillars designed to boost the quality of learning health systems and research to advance personalised medicine. The value of the massively growing health data volumes to advance healthcare and clinical research is beyond dispute. The question that is often posed is rather: how can...

Summary: The World Health Organization designated the year 2020 as the ‘Year of the Nurse and the Midwife’ in honour of the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. President of the European Nurse Directors Association explains why it is so important to global health. World Health Organization (WHO) is the collaborating partner in the three-year ’Nursing Now!’ Campaign (2018–2020). T...

Summary: Streamlining radiology workflow is critical for reducing burnout and making imaging departments as efficient as possible. A developer of an innovative app focusing on easing daily radiology tasks spoke to HealthManagement.org about the thinking behind the creation and the effect it’s having on an imaging department. At present, the app focuses on improving five core daily tasks: communication,...

Summary: An initiative in Spain is tapping into the wealth of digital and non-digital communication amongst staff for streamlining information in an innovative interconnective platform called Plan Adapta. Communication among healthcare professionals: what a challenge. Innovation propelled by technology is one of the most significant opportunities that big organisations, such as our hospital, have as tools...

Summary: Patients rely on healthy nurses for optimal care – but who is looking after this staff of carers in a demanding work environment? A veteran nursing expert describes the outcomes of a project aimed at promoting nurse all-round health held at Hannover Medical School. Various statistical surveys show that the workload of nurses in hospitals and outpatient care services is high. Although the averag...

Upcoming Congresses

Several important healthcare events are taking place around the world in February and March 2020, providing insight into the latest advancements and technologies in healthcare, and highlighting current trends and future opportunities. Medlab Middle East, World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit and HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition are perfect destinations for networking, learning...

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