Search Tag: transplantation

ICU Management

2022 30 Sep

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ICU Management

2018 01 Jun

The implementation of patient blood management programmes led to reduced blood product usage. However, haemorrhage secondary to major surgery remains a major cause of potentially preventable death. Considering the heterogeneity of procedures and technical approaches, it is not surprising that the bleeding risk stratification for visceral surgery...Read more

ICU Management

2018 12 Jun

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Executive Health Management

2015 12 Oct

According to a study published by researchers at Henry Ford Hospital, over half of nurses who work with organ transplant patients in the U.S. experience high levels of emotional exhaustion. The findings are published in Progress in Transplantation.  The study was led by senior staff psychologist Michelle Jesse, Ph.D, liver transplant surgeon Marwan...Read more

ICU Management

2015 12 May

To help ease an organ shortage crisis in the US, ethicists from NYU Langone Medical Center have suggested a simple and ethical change in policy that would greatly expand the nation’s organ pool while respecting autonomy, choice, and vulnerability of a deceased’s family or authorised caregiver. Their proposed solution, which is described in an article...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 01 Dec

Computed tomography (CT) and 3D printing technology can be used to recreate life-size models of patients' heads to assist in face transplantation surgery, according to researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) in Boston. The surgery is performed on patients whose face has been damaged as a result of disease or injury. Results of the study were...Read more

ICU Management

2014 18 Jul

Findings of a recent study, the first  of its kind, have revealed that liver transplant candidates wish to be involved in the decision as to whether they should accept or reject a donor organ. Discussed in the journal Liver Transplantation, the project has been spearheaded by Robert Porte, a Professor of Surgery at the University Medical Centre Groningen...Read more

ICU Management

2014 03 Jul

A new technique that allows donated organs to remain healthy for up to four days before a transplant may one day increase the chances of patients finding a compatible match from a global pool of donors. According to new research conducted on rat livers, organs can be super-cooled to around 21 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 degrees Celsius), avoiding the damage...Read more

ICU Management

2014 10 Jun

Australia’s largest paired kidney exchange saved the lives of six people in recent weeks, but the number of lives affected by the operation reaches into the hundreds. In addition to the families of the recipients who will enjoy the extended lives of their loved ones, more than 200 medical staff contributed to the successful simultaneous surgeries....Read more

Cardiology Management

2014 10 Mar

The hospital, which performed the transplant in December, has announced that the first patient fitted with an artificial heart made by the French company Carmat has died. 75 days following the surgery at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris, the patient, a 76-year-old man, has passed away. The cause of his death is currently unconfirmed....Read more

ICU Management

2014 10 Mar

The amount of patients having undergone lung transplantations has increased by roughly 20% over the past five years. For those suffering during the end stage of various lung diseases, transplantation can provide a prolongation and quality improvement of life as the last remaining treatment option. Marc Hartert and his team of colleagues have...Read more

ICU Management

2014 29 Jan

Based on the experience of close to 1,500 transplant donations registered in units in Spain and the United Kingdom, researchers at Spain’s University of Cordoba have developed a mathematical system capable of measuring compatibility between donors and the most serious receivers in liver transplants. Spain is considered the global transplant...Read more

IMAGING Management

2013 04 Dec

For the first time, researchers have found that the blood vessels in face transplant recipients reorganize themselves, leading to an understanding of the biologic changes that happen after full face transplantation. The results of this study were presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Face transplantation...Read more

Executive Health Management

2013 04 Dec

According to researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center a new class of drugs is capable to reduce patients’ risk of contracting a serious and often deadly side effect of lifesaving bone marrow transplant treatments. The innovative study, published in The Lancet Oncology and a first to test this treatment in humans,...Read more

ICU Management

2013 17 Oct

The OCS LUNG™ machine continually flushes and oxygenates donor lungs at room temperature. The multidisciplinary transplant team at University Hospitals Leuven successfully preserved a set of donor lungs for over eleven hours with the help of a machine, the longest period ever reported. The lengthy preservation time was necessary...Read more

ICU Management

2013 14 Aug

Johns Hopkins-led research finds larger lungs associated with 30 percent increase in survival at one year. Transplant teams have long tried to match the size of donor lungs to the size of the recipient as closely as possible, concerned that lungs of the wrong size could lead to poor lung function and poor outcomes. But new Johns Hopkins-led research...Read more

ICU Management

2013 12 Jul

Using the same type of mathematical formulas used to draw political redistricting maps, Johns Hopkins researchers say they have developed a model that would allow for the more equitable allocation of livers from deceased donors for transplantation. Currently, in the United States, where you live dictates the availability of a liver transplant. Studies...Read more

ICU Management

2013 11 Jul

University of Sunderland Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biology Dr Noel Carter and PhD Student and trainee surgeon Omar Mownah (image courtesy of University of Sunderland) Human hearts which are not used each year because they are deemed unsuitable for an organ transplant could get a second chance to save a life, with the help of new research taking...Read more

ICU Management

2013 26 Jun

A 2012 Facebook post that led to the reunion of two grade school friends who lost touch more than 30 years ago, is now also responsible for planting the seed that would give one of them a life-saving kidney transplant. Earlier this month, the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the National Kidney Registry, in partnership with 18 transplant...Read more

ICU Management

2013 14 Jun

Scientists have found a way to make insulin-producing cells multiply in the laboratory. Pictured in blue are the cells, while the insulin is green. Increased availability of these cells may facilitate treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a way to trigger...Read more

ICU Management

2013 12 Jun

A silicon circuit, coated with a protective layer and immersed in fluid that mimicks human body chemistry. Photo courtesy of Ohio State University. Aiding Organ Transplants to be First Application of New Technology New technology under development at The Ohio State University is paving the way for low-cost electronic devices that work...Read more

ICU Management

2013 12 Jun

In the largest study of its kind, physicians from the Department of Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) have determined that outcomes for traumatic injury in patients with organ transplants are not worse than for non-transplanted patients,...Read more

ICU Management

2013 12 Jun

New research reveals that transplantation of partial livers from deceased adult and teen donors has become less risky for infants and young children, helping to save these young lives. Findings published online in Liver Transplantation , a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation...Read more

ICU Management

2013 04 Jun

Critical Diagnostics’ novel cardiac biomarker, ST2, could offer a way for doctors to monitor transplant patients versus expensive and risky biopsies Critical Diagnostics announced on May 22, 2013, the recently-published results of a Utah Transplantation Affiliated Hospitals Cardiac Transplant Program study involving the use of a novel biomarker,...Read more

ICU Management

2013 21 May

Obese patients who received robotic kidney transplants had fewer wound complications than patients who received traditional "open" transplant surgery, according to surgeons at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System. The findings should allow more obese patients to receive kidney transplants. Patients with a body mass index (BMI)...Read more

ICU Management

2013 21 May

Nearly 20 percent of kidneys that are recovered from deceased donors in the U.S. are refused for transplant due to factors ranging from scarring in small blood vessels of the kidney’s filtering units to the organ going too long without blood or oxygen. But, what if instead of being discarded, these organs could be “recycled” to help solve the critical...Read more

ICU Management

2013 21 May

Johns Hopkins scientists have created a free, Web-based tool to help patients decide whether it's best to accept an immediately available, but less-than-ideal deceased donor kidney for transplant, or wait for a healthier one in the future. Historically, the researchers say, it has been difficult, if not impossible, to accurately quantify the risk of...Read more

ICU Management

2013 06 Apr

Patients faced with the diagnosis of a life-threatening liver disease have to consider the seriousness of having a liver transplant, which can be a definitive cure for many acquired and genetic liver diseases.  Among the main considerations are the anxiety of waiting for a donor organ, the risks associated with the transplant operation, and...Read more

ICU Management

2013 14 Mar

An extra 1,000 transplants could be done every year, Johns Hopkins study suggest. An additional 1,000 patients could undergo kidney transplants in the United States annually if hospitals performed more transplants using paired kidney exchanges, new Johns Hopkins research suggests. Also known as kidney chains, paired...Read more

ICU Management

2013 11 Mar

Tests based on next-generation sequencing with Roche’s GS Junior System. The Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service of Upper Austria has become the first laboratory in Europe to receive accreditation from the European Federation for Immunogenetics (EFI) for the use of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tests based on next-generation sequencing with Roche’s...Read more