Search Tag: primary care physicians

IMAGING Management

2019 28 May

A new study endeavoured to research whether breast and colorectal cancer screening are related to the time of day a patient visits their primary care clinician. As part of this quality improvement study shows, both clinical ordering and patient completion of cancer screening tests decreased later in the day. The study published in JAMA found that...Read more

Health Management

2018 25 Jan

T e c h n o l o g y i s ch a n g i n g t h e f a ce o f m e d i c a l l a bo r a t o r y o p er a t i o n.   As healthca r e t echnology advan c es, medical labo r atories need to k eep   ahead of th e...Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 18 Apr

A new study shows that primary care physicians (PCPs) were as effective as commonly used predictive algorithms in identifying patients at high risk for hospitalisation. According to the study, published in American Journal of Managed Care, PCPs know the clinical and psychosocial needs of patients, enabling them to help identify factors missed by predictive...Read more

ICU Management

2017 11 Jan

According to new research by Claire K. Ankuda, MD, MPH, with the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the University of Michagan Health System in Ann Arbor, and colleagues, regions that have greater primary care physician involvement during the last six months of life tend to have lower intensity, lower-cost end-of-life care. The research...Read more