Search Tag: antimicrobials

Executive Health Management

2022 19 Sep

The lack of supply of antimicrobials poses a public health threat. Hospitals in the U.S. face several barriers to acquiring antimicrobials in times of critical need. This can lead to huge negative effects on patient health outcomes. Researchers from the University of Minnesota established that slow and unreliable processes could be a prominent barrier...Read more


2022 05 Jul

There have been concerns that the emphasis on rapid administration of antimicrobials for sepsis may result in an increase in the overall use of antimicrobials, even in patients without sepsis. In a study of 1,559,523 patients hospitalised at 152 hospitals in two health care delivery systems, researchers aimed to determine whether shortening the...Read more

ICU Management

2019 01 Oct

Liesbet De Bus of Ghent University Hospital, Belgium, presented the findings of the DetermInants of Antimicrobial use aNd de-escalAtion (DIANA) study @ESICM #LIVES2019 in Berlin.  Dr. De Bus started off by explaining the concept of de-escalation and how it is all about finding a balance between early adequate antimicrobial therapy on the one...Read more

ICU Management

2018 03 Oct

Sepsis is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. However, there are important differences in the populations at risk, infecting pathogens, and clinical capacity to manage sepsis in high and low-resource settings; thus context-specific approaches are necessary to mitigate this major public health problem, according to a review published...Read more

Pharmacy Management

2014 24 Nov

According to a new survey by Public Health England (PHE), nearly 40 percent of people are unnecessarily taking antibiotics for coughs or runny noses while 90 percent are unaware that drug-resistant bacteria can spread from person to person. These findings were released to mark the European Antibiotics Awareness Day on 18 November. The survey calls...Read more