Search Tag: Precision health

IT Management

2021 30 Nov

When Prof. James Brenton was seeing one of his patients at Addenbrooke’s Hospital recently for ovarian cancer treatment, he needed to review all her studies and treatments. The information was complex and lengthy: blood test results, genomic tests, imaging studies and reports from past therapy. Brenton hadn’t been able to attend the tumor board meeting...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 22 May

How and where can precision medicine and public health join forces to improve patient care and outcomes and, ultimately, lead to more efficient healthcare. spoke to four precision medicine experts for their views. You might also like: Precision Medicine: the future of health   Tienush Rassaf  Department Head...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 22 May

The FAIR4Health project supports wider publicly-funded health data use   How FAIR4Health aims to enable safe and ethical sharing of all data and metadata derived from publicly-funded research.   The FAIR principles are intended to ensure that people and machines can reuse data. These principles are designed to be applied to data and metadata...Read more