Search Tag: European Union


2023 09 Sep

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across the European Union (EU) are encountering growing obstacles when it comes to executing their initiatives. This is highlighted in both the 2022 European Commission's rule of law report and a report from the European Civic Forum.   CSOs are currently grappling with challenges in attaining secure, regular,...Read more

Finance Management

2023 09 Sep

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across the European Union (EU) are encountering growing obstacles when it comes to executing their initiatives. This is highlighted in both the 2022 European Commission's rule of law report and a report from the European Civic Forum.   CSOs are currently grappling with challenges in attaining secure, regular,...Read more

Cardiology Management

2023 26 Aug

New research presented at the ESC Congress 2023 reveals that cardiovascular disease (CVD) costs the European Union (EU) an estimated €282 billion in 2021. The analysis was a collaborative study by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the University of Oxford, UK. This figure highlights the significant impact of CVD on the region.  ...Read more

Health Management

2022 13 Sep

The European Union has proposed innovation in the procurement of the public administration of all sectors as a strategic tool to accelerate change. Considering the volume of the annual public procurement, this has been seen as a way of influencing enterprises to be innovative. Public procurement is aimed to find solutions to needs still not met by...Read more

IT Management

2022 28 Mar

Europe is moving toward comprehensive legislation regulating artificial intelligence (AI) across industry sectors. This is an essential step because ‘harmonising’ AI regulations allows an AI company to operate in all 27 member countries as it would be in any single one. In February 2020, the European Commission published a White Paper on AI and...Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 11 Mar

The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) announced today that the single dose Covid-19 vaccine has been approved for use in individuals 18 years of age and older in the European Union.   Developed by the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) in Belgium and the Netherlands, this vaccine is the fourth to be approved by the EMA....Read more

IT Management

2020 01 Dec

EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO 2021 DUE TO COVID-19 HEALTH CONCERNS NEW DATES TBC Find Digital Single Market on Social Media Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 02 Jul

Countries in Europe have started easing drastic lockdown measures, implemented in February-March 2020, as the number of COVID-19 cases in their jurisdictions decline. However, relaxation needs to be coordinated in order to stop community transmission and avoid new COVID-19 outbreaks.   You might also like: Mobility, Connectivity...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 04 May

Currently, Europe is leading the COVID-19 pandemic by the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths. Despite the region being tightly interconnected, its response to the disease has varied greatly from country to country. What conclusions can be and are made from this situation? And how will the EU act upon them?   You may also like :...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 21 Apr

A research predicts a decline in cancer mortality rates in 2020 in the EU. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic cancer patient safety is compromised, but can still be improved with certain policies.   You may also like : Prostate is Now Most Common Cancer   Cancer in the EU Total cancer mortality rates in the...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 05 Apr

The European Commission has postponed by one year the date of application of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) till 26 May, 2021, “to allow member states, health institutions and economic operators to prioritise the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.”   You may also like : Shaping the Human Side of Medical Devices in Critical...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 03 Apr

Iceland, Finland and Norway are the latest countries to have signed the Joint Procurement Agreement (JPA) to procure medical countermeasures. As of April 2020, the JPA has been signed by 27 EU countries, Iceland, Norway and the UK. Besides the above three countries, in 2020 the agreement has also been signed by Poland and Sweden....Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 30 Mar

On 30 March, the European Commission issued practical guidance to ensure workers’ mobility within the EU, in particular those in critical occupations to fight the novel coronavirus pandemic.   You may also like : How To Manage a Remote Healthcare Team   These occupations include healthcare, food sector, childcare, elderly care, and...Read more

IT Management

2020 03 Feb

After three-and-a-half years of deliberations, the UK officially left the European on January 31st.   A transition period until the end of this year will see both stakeholders drawing up a number of agreements, with trade being at the forefront.   You might also like: Brexit Disruption Harnessed For A Better NHS As far as data sharing...Read more

IT Management

2015 27 Nov

An exciting event about the future of interoperability in the European Healthcare sector takes place in Lisbon next week with a focus on assets’ collection and usability plus actions needed to support, prepare and enable Member States to reap the benefits of safe and secure cross-border care. Called the EXPAND Thematic Network, the...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 30 Oct

MAMMOCARE's new breast biopsy system is guided by 3D real-time PEM (positron emission mammography) imaging, offering real-time guidance and correction of the needle trajectory for higher accuracy and efficiency in tumour sampling. It is the first breast biopsy system in the market offering real-time monitoring and guidance, according to researchers...Read more

ICU Management

2015 19 Feb

A commission in the European Union is working on a joint curriculum for intensive care medical training across Europe. The Multiple Joint Committee of Intensive Care Medicine (MJC ICM) has come up with general guidelines for harmonisation of ICM training in Europe, which the member states are now expected to ratify. "United in diversity" is the motto...Read more