Search Tag: healthcare management

Executive Health Management

2024 10 Sep

<marquee behavior="slide" direction="left" scrollamount="30">  <h2 style="text-align: center;">Find IHF on Social Media </h2></b> </marquee> Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 27 Oct

Dr Muna A. Tahlak begins her two-year term as the 36th President of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) – a global non-profit, membership organization representing hospitals and healthcare associations across the globe. Dr Tahlak was elected in November 2021 and has served two years as President Designate before taking up the position of President...Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 07 Jul

Boost your organizational outcomes with smart skilling and staffing solutions   Can the workforce dilemma be solved? The staffing shortage in the healthcare industry is nothing new. It has been gradually ongoing for the past years. And it is rather getting worse. The World Health Organization predicts a shortfall of 15 million health workers...Read more

Executive Health Management

2022 07 Sep

Find HMA On Social Media Read more

Executive Health Management

2022 09 Nov

Find IHF on Social Media  Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 08 Dec


Executive Health Management

2019 02 Oct

Summary: Erin Sullivan introduces Xavier Corbella, physician turned CEO, to discuss his leadership journey and implementing change within the health system. Introduction I had the good fortune of being introduced to Dr. Corbella in early 2016 while visiting Barcelona to understand Spain’s approach to primary care delivery....Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 02 Oct

Summary: In a world of changing healthcare ideals, all that is required is a change in our mindset. Transformation is accelerating in healthcare, and this is particularly true with regards to healthcare in Singapore. It has been ranked the longest for life expectancy at birth (Global Burden of Disease Study 2017) as well as second for healthcare...Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 06 Jun

Find IHF on Social Media          Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 20 Jun

Find European Health Management Association on Social Media        Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 29 May

Find Paris Healthcare Week 2018 on Social Media      Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 09 Aug

Technology plays a big role in revolutionising healthcare management. As IT investment continues to grow, it will be good to know which software and tech trends are dominating the medical field. Patient scheduling software, smartwatches that detect heart disease and marketing automation tools are among the major software and tech trends that...Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 10 Apr

Find Healthcare Business International on Social Media       Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 17 Oct

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Health Management

2017 16 Feb

Porter and Teisberg introduced value-based healthcare (VBHC) in their seminal 2006 book, Redefining Health Care. At the time, several sceptics raised questions about the evidence and practicality of its prescriptions. One reviewer noted, “There are few data to support their concepts. … no one has tried anything like the approaches they suggest.” A...Read more

Health Management

2017 16 Feb

The chief information officer (CIO)—also known as the chief digital officer (CDO), chief information digital officer (CIDO) or “the IT guy”—can be a difficult title to inhabit, precisely because it is such a new and developing role. If you join an organisation as an accountant people know what to expect, because they have been around for thousands...Read more

Health Management

2017 16 Feb

Around the world, value-based care delivery is gaining adherents (New Zealand Ministry of Health 2016; King’s Health Partners 2016). Improving value—health outcomes that matter to patients for the cost of delivering those outcomes—is now widely recognised as a critical objective of health care reform. Since the publication of Redefining health care (Porter...Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 25 Apr

Find GCCHealth Innovation on Social Media         Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 07 Nov

Theme: Patient-friendly and Smarter Healthcare  The World Hospital Congress, IHF’s cornerstone event, is a unique global forum that brings together key drivers of national and international policy, management, financial trends and solutions in healthcare management and service delivery. Find  International Hospital Federation (IHF)  ...Read more

Executive Health Management

2016 14 Nov

The outcome of the recent U.S. presidential election which saw Republican Donald Trump victorious has shed an uncertain light onto healthcare as the president-elect has repeatedly vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) but will not release details until the January inauguration. To add to the confusion, since his election Trump has indicated...Read more

Executive Health Management

2016 31 Oct

The World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) dates back to 1929, when it was first held in Atlantic City, USA as a biennial event. It is the unique global forum where multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge, expertise and experiences in health sector management and service delivery is facilitated. Leaders of key national...Read more