Doctors 2.0 & You 2016

Doctors 2.0 & You 2016
Doctors 2.0 & You, now the « must-attend » digital health event in Europe, was launched in 2011 in Paris, just about the time of the first rush for the iPad, hence the photo of Steve Jobs looming over me during my first keynote at the event.  Seems a million years ago that physicians were discovering that the iPad could fit in their white coat pockets.
What was I looking to achieve? Despite the many events that were already dedicated to the internet and healthcare at that time, none brought together a truly open and inviting environment for all of healthcare stakeholders, including and especially for the first member of the team, the patients. None had an agenda based primarily on collaborative tools and experiences with results. None had a global, multi-cultural perspective.






April 1st, 2016

As of
April 2nd, 2016

As of
April 30th, 2016

Health Professionnal

570 €


900 €


570 €


900 €


570 €


900 €


1175 €


1836 €

To Register Click Here

Day 1

10:00 - 10:55

Welcome, Badging
Refreshments, Networking (Salon Honnorat), Demos...

11:00 - 12:20

Choice among 2 parallel sessions :

  • Start-up Contest Finalist

Pitches with international jury + host, Dr Brandi Sinkfield (Stanford Medicine, US)

  • Physicians, Digital and Pharma

- Successes and failures in pharma digital marketing to physicians, Tom Renneberg (ESANUM, Germany)
​- Use of social media by physicians in US and Canada, Pat Rich (medical writer, Canada)
-Online physician communities in Russia and prescription behavior, Ilya Kupriyanov (DoctorAtWork, Russia)

12:20 - 1:15

Lunch break

Lunch, Networking, Demos

1:20 - 2:30

Choice among 2 parallel sessions :

  • Disruptive Business Models in Digital Health

- Case study: a collaborative R&D platform to leverage scientific knowledge and support innovation, Nathalie Jullian, (Ipsen, Fr)
​- Business models in Digital Health: sustainable innovation, Lorena Macnaughtan (ICEEFest)

GloMAGO (recent mobile apps, serious games, connected objects) / Serious Games

- GloMAGO (recent mobile apps, serious games, connected objects): Contest Finalist Pitches with international jury + host

2:45 - 4:00

Choice among 2 parallel sessions :

  • Master Class

- Upgrading your health with digital tools, Dr Berci Mesko ( Medical Futurist, Hungary)

  • International Patient-Led Discussion on Digital Health and Ethics

- Participants are attending ePatients and Geraldine Gueron (

4:00 - 4:25

Coffee break

Refreshments, Networking, Demos

4:30 - 5:30

Choice among 2 sessions including :

  • Serious Games

Blogging and Branding in Health

- Blogging and Branding in Health, Anne Seubert (Award-winning health blogger and consultant, Germany)

5:35 - 6:30

Choice among 2 keynotes :​​

3D Printing and Virtual reality (Session en Anglais)

- The 3 Most Promising Applications in Biomedical 3D Printing, Djamila Olivier (VoxEled, Spain)
- Virtual Reality Use for Pain of Cancer, Mélanie Peron (L'Effet Papillon, Fr)

Reporting on Hackathons Lung Cancer(Session en Anglais)

- Hackathon US with Andrea Borondy Kitts (Independent, US)
- Hackathon UKwithJude Wright (PlayWell, US)

6:30 - 8:30

Cocktail Soirée and Prizes
Cocktail, Exhibits, Awards in Salon Honnorat

Day 2

8:00 - 9:00

Breakfast, Networking and Prizes (Salon Honnorat)

9:00 - 10:30

​Welcome to Doctors 2.0 & You + Program Highlights with Denise Silber, host/moderator

Children with cancer and their families: the power of social media and positive thinking
with Kate Swartebroeckx, Dreamcatchers for Golden Warriors (Belgium)

​Digital health today: making sense of the trends
withDenise Silber, Basil Strategies (France)

"The Biomedical Ultrasound Revolution":​Innovation in Cancer Diagnosis with Wave Physics
with Dr. Mickael Tanter, Inserm (France)

Telehealth : new stakeholders improve access to care (1)
with Dr Gia Sison, Global Telehealth (Philippines) and Dr Indra Joshi, DrEd (UK)

  • Teleconsults by phone in the Philippines

  • Consults and prescriptions on the web + phone in Europe

10:30 - 10:55

Refreshments and Networking Break (Salon Honnorat)

10:55 - 12:20

mHealth : New stakeholders improve access to care (2)
with Dr Patricia Sigam, WoundDesk (Switzerland) and Dr Tunde Salako, Redcare HMO (Nigeria)

  • ​Demonstration of a multi-condition patient-centric mobile that is app adapted to global use

  • Insurer-provided mobile technology strategy for Africa

Mobile apps built by doctors and patients improve chronic disease
with Mette Dyhrberg, (USA + Denmark), Dr Fabrice Denis, ILC Jean Bernard (France) and​Dr Anabel Salazar, IVI Groups(Spain)

  • Data driven coaching for immune diseases

  • Demonstrating improved survival rates for Lung Cancer patients

  • Enhancing success of fertility treatments

12:20 - 1:10

Lunch and Networking Break

1:10 - 1:20

Pitches by top finalists of GloMAGO (Global Mobile Apps, Games, and Connected Objects) contest.

1:20 - 3:30

Games, Apps, and Platforms for prevention
withJude Wright, PlayWell (UK), DrJoris Arts, Health Care Center Kersenboogerd (Netherlands), Dr Marald Wikkeling Happitech(Netherlands) and Benjamin Suhr, MobileFitness (Denmark)

  • Hacking Health UK Winning Pitch

  • Award-winning Skip a Beat heart-rate game

  • Digital tools and gamification to modify behavior

  • Will your next app be on a platform ?

Sharing data for the greater good ?
with Geraldine Gueron, (Argentina)

Digital Transformation for Pharma : Interview with a CEO
withMarc de Garidel, Ipsen Pharma (France)

Virtual and Human Empathy
with Claire Kamoun, Tavie (France), Norrie Daroga, iDAvatars (USA) and Anne Seubert, Award-winning Blogger (Germany)

  • Pitch by 2015 start-up winner improving Adherence through video avatar

  • CHF, COPD Diabetes : An empathetic avatar in a virtual care environment improves results and reduces costs (using IBM Watson software)

  • Empathy, Quantified Self, and the Person with Diabetes

A Lesson in Participatory Research for a Rare Mutation of Cystic Fibrosis
with Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, Emily’s Entourage (USA)

3:30 - 3:50

Refreshments and Networking Break

3:50 - 5:00

4 Ways New Technologies Shape The Future of Cancer Care
with Dr Berci Mesko, Medical Futurist

Pitch on 3D Printing
with Djamila Olivier, Voxeled Materials (Spain)

Role of mHealth in tomorrow’s healthcare landscape : strategy and initiatives in Belgium
with Brieuc Van Damme, Ministry of Health (Belgium)

Pharma to be announced

5:00 - 5:30

Finalist Start-up pitches and awards

5:30 - 7:00

Cocktail and Farewell

Doctors 2.0 & You encourages start-ups to attend our conference and enter the contest.
Contest participants will get exposure before, during and after the conference.
A start-up is defined as a commercial or not-for-profit entity in digital health whose activity began after January 1, 2013. The product or service of the start-up must benefit patients and/or healthcare professionals. Candidates must provide responses to the questions below and be approved by the conference consultative committee : Denise Silber (Basil Stragégies), Olivier Cassedanne (Hopscotch congrès) and various Doctors 2.0 & YOU partners.​
  • Mentions and interaction on social media from the Doctors 2.0 & YOU community,
  • Presence on the Doctors 2.0 & YOU website,
  • Presentation of your pitch to our diverse jury and participants at the session,
  • Networking with +400 participants from 5 continents.
In exchange for the visibility provided by the conference, contestants are asked to contribute a registration fee.
If you have already bought a booth you can apply for the contest. If not, you have to buy one entry minimum to be able to fill in the application form.
Winner :
The winner will be announced during the plenary session on May 27th. The start-up will have the opportunity to present itself at Stanford Medicine X, Paolo Alto, in September 2016. Finally, the winner will have a booth at Doctors 2.0 & YOU 2017.

Don't forget to submit your GloMAGO application by April 29th !


Global Mobile Apps, Games, Connected Objects Awards
Doctors 2.0 & YOU is organizing for the second time the GloMAGO contest (Global Mobile Apps, Games, Connected Objects Awards).
Doctors 2.0 & YOUencourages healthcare stakeholders, including pharma, device manufacturers, tech industries, insurers, vendors, hospitals, clinics, nonprofit organizations and governments, to attend the conference and compete in GloMAGO.
This contest is primarily intended for organizations producing major digital health tools not fitting the start-up criteria.
If eligible to compete based on the rules below, participation will provide visibility during and after the event.

  • A presentation of the application/game/device will be visible to all participants on the congress screen in the conference exhibition area,
  • The Winner will be presented at the May 26th evening award ceremony,
  • The Winner will be chosen by the five-person jury indicated in the instructions,
  • After the event, with the permission of each contestant, all submissions will be listed on the Doctors 2.0 & YOU website and in promotional material.


By popular demand, there will be educational posters at Doctors 2.0 & YOU2016, so that participants and poster authors can meet and network.
Please note that poster presenters pay the entry fee of their category.

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