JRC2023 - The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society

JRC2023 - The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society

The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society


Main Theme Be a Game Changer in Medicine with Radiology
President Kazuo Awai
(Hiroshima University)
Date April 13 (Thu) – 16 (Sun), 2023
1-1-1, Minato-mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, 220-0012 Japan






We are pleased to announce that the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society will be held at PACIFICO Yokohama over four days from Thursday, April 13th to Sunday, April 16th, 2023 joined by the 79th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, the 125th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics, and the International Technical Exhibition of Medical Imaging 2023, the integrated name of which is the Japan Radiology Congress 2023.

The theme of this meeting is Be a Game Changer in Medicine with Radiology. As you know, a ‘game changer’ indicates someone who plays a prominent role in changing the course of the game or “something innovative causing a material influence on things.” This theme involves two ideas. First, we want to have our radiology revolutionize contemporary medicine. Second, we want each and every one of us engaged in radiology to grow to be capable of innovating medicine. It will make us happy if we can see everyone absorbed in an energetic discussion in Yokohama, bearing these two ideas in mind.

At the time of writing this article, the spring of 2022, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has not yet converged. Waves of aggravation and palliation are repeatedly manifesting in the situation, forcing us to be prepared to see another possible change in the format of the meeting. As of now, nonetheless, we are ready to hold it in a hybrid format, on-site as well as live and on-demand distributions via the web.

We sincerely hope that COVID-19 will be completely resolved by April 2023 to enable us to assemble in Yokohama from all over Japan and from around the world to discuss future innovation in radiology.

Kazuo Awai, M.D., Ph.D.
President of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society
Professor and Chairman
Department of Diagnostic Radiology,
Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University

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