EUSOBI Annual Scientific Meeting 2017 - European Society of Breast Imaging

EUSOBI Annual Scientific Meeting 2017






The highlights of this year’s Berlin meeting will feature:

  • Tomosynthesis in screening/diagnostic settings
  • Ultrasound screening
  • Unenhanced/abbreviated MRI, contrast-enhanced mammography
  • New risk genes and high risk screening
What is more, we hope to attract more young radiologists with an interest to breast diagnostics as an audience and possible future members of the EUSOBI Young Club.

Abstract Submission

The Carla Boetes Award - DEADLINE EXTENDED: May 31, 2017, 23:59 (CET)

The Carla Boetes Award is EUSOBI’s means to honor young certified radiologists/nuclear medicine physicians who have made a large contribution to the breast imaging field.

  • An extended abstract providing novel unpublished research results in the field of breast imaging is required
  • Applicants should be below 40 years
  • The applicant should be an EUSOBI member in good standing
  • The abstract must be accompanied by your signed CV, that should include a complete publication list
  • If selected:
    - You will present your recent research orally in the plenary lecture hall of the EUSOBI.
    - EUSOBI will take over congress registration, and award you with € 2000,-

The registration to the Annual Scientific Meeting 2017 is open. Benefit from reduced early fees until June 18.

Registration Fees
EUSOBI Member****
until June 18
until Sep. 18
until Sep. 23
Regular registration
€ 200.00
€ 300.00
€ 350.00
Radiographer registration (academic title)
€ 200.00
€ 300.00
€ 350.00
Radiographer/Technologist registration*
€ 130.00
€ 180.00
€ 230.00
Resident registration**
€ 130.00
€ 180.00
€ 230.00
Student registration***
€ 20.00
€ 20.00
€ 20.00

Registration Fees
EUSOBI Non Member

until June 18
until Sep. 18
until Sep. 23
Regular registration
€ 350.00
€ 450.00
€ 500.00
Radiographer registration (academic title)
€ 350.00
€ 450.00
€ 500.00
Radiographer/Technologist registration*
€ 200.00
€ 250.00
€ 300.00
Resident registration**
€ 200.00
€ 250.00
€ 300.00
Student registration***
€ 20.00
€ 20.00
€ 20.00

All registration fees above are valid for the EUSOBI Annual Scientific Meeting 2017.

* Registration categorised as Radiographer or Technologist is limited to radiographers or technologists without any academic title. Radiographers and technologists have to send, fax or email a letter, written on official hospital letter paper and signed by the head of department, confirming their status as such within 5 working days after completed online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will be automatically adjusted to a regular fee.

** Reduced resident registration will be offered to residents (young radiologists in training). Residents have to send, fax or email a letter, written on official hospital letter paper and signed by the head of department, confirming their status as such within 5 working days after online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will be automatically adjusted to a regular fee. The age limit for a registration as a resident is set at 35 years (incl. the age of 35).

*** Registration categorised as Student is limited to students without any academic title. Students have to send, fax or email a copy of their valid student picture ID together with a copy of their passport within 5 working days after completed online registration. In case these documents are not received, the registration fee will be automatically adjusted to a regular fee. The general age limit for students as such is set at 30 years (incl. the age of 30).

**** Reduced member registration is available to all active EUSOBI Members in 2017.


The Education Congress Research GmbH/EUSOBI 2017 offers all pre-registered participants the option of taking out a cancellation policy with our partner 'Europäische Reiseversicherung'. The insurance fee depends on the selected ticket and can only be booked during online registration. After finalisation of registration and/or payment, insurance can no longer be selected.

The Education Congress Research GmbH/EUSOBI 2017 itself will not refund any registration fees. All requests must be issued to the 'Europäische Reiseversicherung' directly. Refunds will be given according to the terms and conditions of the 'Europäische Reiseversicherung'; Education Congress Research GmbH/EUSOBI 2017 is not responsible for any refunds of registration fees.

Friday, September 22, 2017


Opening remarks

G. Forrai, Budapest/HU

E.M. Fallenberg, Berlin/DE

U. Bick, Berlin/DE


Challenges to face in the future of screening

Moderators: E.J. Cornford, Nottingham/UK; R. Schulz-Wendtland, Erlangen/DE


Update on interval cancers

S. Weigel, Münster/DE


Personalised screening, when will we be there?

I. Trop, Montréal/CA


Reducing overtreatment: What should follow LORIS?

M. Wallis, Cambridge/UK


How to survive in a hostile environment

E. Morris, New York/US




Industry-sponsored symposium

Moderators: M. Lobbes, Maastricht/NL; K. Borbely, Budapest/HU


Coffee break


EUSOBI Gold Medal

Moderators: F. Sardanelli, Milan/IT; G. Forrai, Budapest/HU

Radiological-pathological correlation in 2017

T. Tot, Falun/SE


EUSOBI meets… Canada

Moderators: J. Camps Herrero, Alzira/ES; I. Thomassin-Naggara, Paris/FR

Breast radiology in Canada and its contribution to the screening programme

J.M. Seely, Ottawa/CA


Teaching by cases: Interactive multimodality case discussion

Moderators: A. Evans, Dundee/UK; I. Schreer, Hamburg/DE

U. Bick, Berlin/DE

K. Kinkel, Chêne-Bougeries/CH


Industry-sponsored lunch symposium

Moderators: L. Martincich, Candiolo/IT; S.H. Heywang-Köbrunner, Munich/DE


Young Scientists' Session, Carla Boetes Young Investigator Award and oral presentation

of Best Abstract Submission

Moderators: U. Bick, Berlin/DE

Summary of submitted awarded posters

E.M. Fallenberg, Berlin/DE

Presentation of the awarded works

Authors not clear yet


EUSOBI Award for the most quoted breast imaging paper published in European

Radiology in 2014

Moderators: M.F. Reiser, Munich/DE; G. Forrai, Budapest/HU

Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography versus MRI: Initial results in the detection

of breast cancer and assessment of tumour size

E. Fallenberg, Berlin/DE


Industry-sponsored symposium

Moderators: M. Bernathova, Vienna/AT; G. Esen, Istanbul/TR


Coffee break


News in MRI

Moderators: F.J. Gilbert, Cambridge/UK; P. Panizza, Milan/IT


Abbreviated MRI

C. Kuhl, Aachen/DE


Clinical applications of DWIBS, DKI, DTI, IVIM

P. Baltzer, Vienna/AT


Preoperative: Data on 2,500 patients from the MIPA study

F. Sardanelli, Milan/IT


Comparing MRI and DBT for local staging of breast cancer

F. Pediconi, Rome/IT




First day closing remarks

G. Forrai, Budapest/HU

E.M. Fallenberg, Berlin/DE

U. Bick, Berlin/DE

Saturday, September 23, 2017


General Assembly


Increased risk for breast cancer: An update

Moderators: R.M. Pijnappel, Utrecht/NL; U. Bick, Berlin/DE


New risk genes: From research to clinical practice

A. Meindl, Munich/DE


Protocols in high risk screening and follow up

F.J. Gilbert, Cambridge/UK


Phenotype-genotype correlation in mutation and non-mutation carriers

C. Van Ongeval, Leuven/BE


Screening the intermediate risk: Results from a multicenter RCT on MRI versus

mammography/US intermediate-risk (the MRIB study)

R.M. Trimboli, Milan/IT




Industry-sponsored symposium

Moderators: C. Balleyguier, Villejuif/FR; A. Evans, Dundee/UK


Coffee break


Key note lecture

Moderators: G. Forrai, Budapest/HU, T.H. Helbich, Vienna/AT

Hallmarks of cancer

D. Hanahan, Lausanne/CH


EUSOBI meets Germany: What the radiologist needs to know about…

Moderators: M. Fuchsjäger, Graz/AT; M.P. Müller-Schimpfle, Frankfurt am Main/DE


…reconstructive procedures in breast

C. Heitmann, Munich/DE


…news of systemic treatment

D. Lüftner, Berlin/DE


…news of pathological markers

C. Denkert, Berlin/DE


…news on management of the axilla

B. Gerber, Rostock/DE




From the US Society of Breast Imaging (SBI)

Moderators: G. Forrai, Budapest/HU; F. Pediconi, Rome/IT

Update on breast MR background parenchymal enhancement

W.B. DeMartini, Stanford/US


Industry-sponsored lunch symposium

Moderators: A. Athanasiou, Athens/GR, E.J. Cornford, Nottingham/UK


Tumor biology and radiomics

Moderators: B. Brkljacic, Zagreb/HR; C. Van Ongeval, Leuven/BE


Quantitative imaging biomarkers

J. Camps Herrero, Alzira/ES

14:20 Radiomics, imaging of BC subtypes and heterogeneity

K. Pinker-Domenig, New York/US


BC biology and tracer development

M. Herranz, Santiago de Compostela/ES


Is ultrafast MRI a better approach to tumor biology?

R.M. Mann, Nijmegen/NL




Coffee break


Industry-sponsored symposium

Moderators: S. Zackrisson, Malmö/SE; F. Kilburn-Toppin, Cambridge/UK


Breast Interpretation Quiz

Moderator: M. Fuchsjäger, Graz/AT

Germany against the rest of Europe


Final closing remarks: Looking at Athens 2018

G. Forrai, Budapest/HU

A. Athanasiou, Athens/GR

September 21, 2017
on occasion of EUSOBI 2017

The European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) introduced an European Diploma in Breast Imaging (EDBI) in 2012. The European Diploma in Breast Imaging will be a common European qualification for breast imagers and will help to standardise training and expertise in breast imaging across Europe. The European Diploma in Breast Imaging is endorsed by the European Society of Radiology (ESR).

The EDBI confirms specific competence of radiologists to perform, interpret and report mammography, ultrasound, MRI and breast intervention. The EBDI will assist breast imagers in the promotion of their skills and experience in breast imaging when dealing with other clinical colleagues and with the general public.


  • The European Diploma in Breast Imaging is acquired in 2 steps.
  • Step 2 comprises written and oral components and can be taken for the next time on occasion of the EUSOBI 2017 in Berlin/DE.
  • Only a limited number of candidates can be accepted for step 2 at each meeting. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis – date of receipt of application form! Early application is therefore recommended.
  • After the examination for step 2, an examiners meeting will be held. At this meeting, the results of both components of the exam will be added together to produce a total score for the examination for each candidate.
  • The scores for each candidate will be reviewed and potential fail candidates will be discussed. At the end of the meeting, a list of pass and fail candidates will be produced and candidates informed accordingly by email.
  • Successful candidates will be awarded the European Diploma in Breast Imaging (EDBI) and may add EBBI (European Board of Breast Imaging) to their name.

Step I

RIS documentation or Logbook
All candidates must present a RIS documentation or logbook with a total record of their breast imaging experience. This should present the candidate’s breast imaging experience in mammography, ultrasound, MRI and interventional procedures. The whole information needs to be anonymous. The RIS documentation or logbook should be countersigned by candidate’s breast imaging programme director.
The minimum qualifications required for entry to the examination are the following:
The candidate should have experience in at least 800 mammographies, 500 ultrasound, 50 breast MR studies and any 50 interventional procedures per year. The candidate should have reached these figures independently every year within the last three years before the examination is taken.

CME credits in breast imaging
25 CME credits (or equivalent national credits) within the last three years specifically in breast imaging with various modalities.

Letter of support
Letter of support from the candidate’s breast imaging programme director or department head confirming, that the candidate was trained in breast imaging for a cumulative duration of at least one year.

Application form
The completed application form must be submitted to the EUSOBI Office.

Curriculum Vitae
The CV should include a record of:
previous training posts in general and breast radiology.
all scientific and educational activities.
Kindly note that the CV has to be submitted in English language and European format.

Documentation form
Please use the following form to provide the requested information (RIS documentation/logbook, CME credits, CV) accordingly:

Please return the completed form via PDF format to the EUSOBI Office.

Certificate of completed training (CCT)
Kindly note that the training has to be completed prior to apply for the European Diploma in Breast Imaging. Full subspecialisation should only take place after five years of radiology training (residency). At least one year of subspecialty training is required.

Handling fee

Full member: € 400.00

Corresponding/associate member: € 600.00

EUSOBI and ESR Memberhsip

The status of a full member of EUSOBI and full member of ESR in good standing or a corresponding membership of EUSOBI and a corresponding membership of ESR in good standing are required for the application to the European Diploma in Breast Imaging.

Step II: Oral and Written Examination

(Candidates judged to have satisfied step 1 are invited from EUSOBI to take step 2. This comprises written and oral components.)

Written exam
The written part of the examination runs via the new EDiR platform.
- 30 multiple choice questions.
- MCQs - five answer options, 1 or more of the given answer options are correct.
- No negative marking for incorrect answers.
- 15 pictorial multiple choice questions - five answer options, 1 or more of the given answer options are correct.
- No negative marking for incorrect answers.
- The exam lasts 80 minutes.
- Candidates will be tested in all aspects relevant to breast imaging such as clinical practice, pathology, mammography, ultrasound, MRI, intervention.

Oral exam
This consists of a 20 minute oral examination by EUSOBI/EDBI representatives in English language. The examiners will show each candidate a series of cases. The examiners will test the candidate’s knowledge of all aspects of the cases under discussion – indication, clinical background, diagnosis, technical parameters, limitations, etc.


For your application kindly complete the application form and return it to the EUSOBI Office for approval by the EUSOBI Diploma Committee.
The EUSOBI Office will confirm the receipt of the candidates application and all required additional information once received. If a candidate cannot provide all entry criteria by the stated deadline his/her registration for the exam will be cancelled. Candidates judged to have satisfied the entry criteria will be eligible to take the examination and informed accordingly by the EUSOBI Office.


Please be informed that diplomas may only be awarded to fully-trained, licensed and practicing radiologists.


No refunds can be provided if an applicant withdraws his/her application. If applying again for the next examination, only 50% of the respective handling fee will be charged.

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