EMIM 2019 - 14th European Molecular Imaging Meeting

14th European Molecular Imaging Meeting

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On behalf of the President Kevin Brindle and the entire Board, it is with pleasure to invite you to Glasgow for the 14th European Molecular Imaging Meeting: the EMIM 2019. We are looking forward to meeting all of you in spring in Great Britain and to learn more about your work in Imaging Science!

The EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME, PLENARY SPEAKERS, and FOCUS SESSIONS have been determined by the Programme Chairs with respect to your needs, emerging technologies, recent developments, and in consideration of the last EMIMs.

BUT the gross of the programme is done by you! The more abstracts are submitted in "your" field of research, the more sessions will be dedicated to your research area. The abstract categories will be defined soon.

Programme is available here!

Registration is available here!

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