39th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology

39th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology

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The Society
The European Society of Surgical Oncology, ESSO, was established in 1981 to support its members in advancing the science and practice of surgical oncology for the benefit of cancer patients.

ESSO performs a range of activities:
•Organising the biggest congress in surgical oncology in Europe
•Unifying the surgical oncology community in a network of over 20,000 members (individuals and corporate)
•Providing education and training to both young and experienced surgeons through courses and e-learning activities
•Publishing a monthly scientific Journal (EJSO-the Journal of Cancer Surgery)
•Partnering in projects and courses with other discipline and organ-based societies within ECCO-the European CanCer Organisation
•Contributing to the development of the surgical oncology programme of the European Cancer Congress
•Providing an attractive fellowship programme facilitating exchange of knowledge and continuing medical education
•Offering specific opportunities for young cancer surgeons and cancer surgeons from developing countries to attend the ESSO Congress
•Organising yearly, in co-operation with the European Board of Surgery, an examination in surgical oncology and in breast cancer surgery certifying the competence necessary for the treatment of cancer patients
•Informing on educational and scientific opportunities via its newsletter and website
•Supporting quality assurance projects towards the improvement of cancer care for all patients in Europe

Programme available online here

Registration available online here

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