9th International Winter Symposium of Intensive Care Medicine

9th International Winter Symposium of Intensive Care Medicine






Supporting societies

The International Winter Symposium in Intensive Care Medicine is endorsed by the following societies:

Website and contact of the societies

Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine SSICM: www.sgi-ssmi.ch | [email protected]
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Internistische und Allgemeine Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin ÖGIAIN: www.intensivmedizin.at | [email protected]

Presidents of the societies

Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine SSICM: Michael Wehrli
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Internistische und Allgemeine Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin ÖGIAIN: Prof. Michael Joannidis, MD

Organizing committee

Prof. Marco Maggiorini, MD
Medical Intensive Care Unit
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Michael Joannidis, MD
Div. Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
University Hospital Innsbruck, Austria

Honorary presidents

Prof. Peter Suter, MD
University Medical Center, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Jukka Takala, MD
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Jean-Louis Vincent, MD
Department of Intensive Care, Erasme University Hospital, University of Brussels, Belgium

Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)

IMK - Institute for medicine and communication Ltd.
Harald F. Grossmann
Münsterberg 1
CH-4001 Basel

Phone: +41 61 271 35 51 | Fax: +41 61 271 33 38

Registration fees

Early bird until November 30, 2018From December 1, 2018

Networking Event
699 Euro

100 Euro
799 Euro

120 Euro

Networking Event
859 Euro

130 Euro
929 Euro

150 Euro

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in written form to the professional congress organizer.

Cancellations received up to November 30, 2018: 50% refund
Cancellations after December 1, 2018: no refund

The main topics of the 26th International Winter Symposium in Intensive Care Medicine are:

  • Shock
  • Lactate kinetics
  • COPD
  • NIV/High-flow oxygen therapy
  • The abdomen of the critically ill patient
  • Organ interactions
  • The elderly patient in the ICU
  • Long term outcome in the ICU
  • Transfusion management
  • Delirium

NEW: Additional meet the expert sessions and case presentations!

More information will follow.

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Wed, 4 Dec 2024 - Fri, 6 Dec 2024

Congresspl. 1
Hamburg, 20355