6th SG-ANZICS Asia Pacific Intensive Care

6th SG-ANZICS Asia Pacific Intensive Care

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SGANZICS Intensive Care Forum (“SG-ANZICS” or “#SGANZICS”) is a joint initiative by the Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SICM), Singapore, and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) to convene a Critical Care Conference in Singapore. It serves as an accessible platform for all intensive care medicine healthcare providers to meet, learn and progress. Every edition of SGANZICS showcases critical care excellence, foster collaboration between regional critical care societies, while uniting and maintaining cultural diversity.

You may have already heard about the tremendous success of the 5th SGANZICS Intensive Care Forum in 2018. Once again, we broke many previous conference records in terms of social media presence, abstract submissions, workshops, sponsors and exhibitor numbers while maintaining our successful Education Awards for delegates for resource-limited countries and awarding the Eugene Goh Awards for the best posters.

We strive to uphold the SGANZICS mission to continuously improve care and outcomes of critically ill persons in Asia-Pacific and the world. Our core values - VITALS - provides us the inspiration and directs our growth and expansion.

For 2019, these plans include:

Core Values - VITALS

  • Voice
    • To give voice to Asia-Pacific intensive care medicine healthcare providers.
      • Creating more LMIC specific sessions
  • Inclusivity
    • To be inclusive and embrace diversity.
      • Improve gender representation in conjunction with “Women in Intensive Care” (#WIN) colleagues.
  • Transparency
    • To maintain transparency of SGANZICS objectives and methods of organization.
      • Succession planning and mentorship of new SGANZICS committee members
  • Accessibility
    • To ensure accessibility and affordability for resource-limited participants to SG-ANZICS.
      • Raising funds and increasing the number of LMIC Education Awards to benefit more delegates
      • - Improving on our speaker and delegate experience using technology
  • Learning
    • To inspire the learning and teaching of intensive care medicine.
      • Selecting more world class faculty and exploring new formats of presentation
      • Find new and creative ways to disseminate knowledge shared at SGANZICS
  • Science
    • To continuously strive towards scientific content of the highest quality and relevance.
      • Assembling the largest and most dynamic Scientific Team in the young history of SGANZICS to curate the best noteworthy topics for discussion.

We are delighted to receive incredible feedback from world renowned, leading intensive care experts and participating delegates. There is little question that SG-ANZICS is now Asia Pacific’s premier clinical intensive care conference and I hope that you will share our ambition and join our movement as we continue to develop novel and innovative initiatives to achieve our mission. Mark your calendar. I look forward to welcoming you in Singapore.

Programme available online here

Registration available online here

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Wed, 4 Dec 2024 - Fri, 6 Dec 2024

Congresspl. 1
Hamburg, 20355