34th ECCMID 2024

34th ECCMID 2024

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Barcelona sits on the Mediterranean cost in the north-east of Spain, between the mouths of the Llobregat and Besòs rivers. The city is the administrative and financial capital of the autonomous community of Catalonia, and has a rich history of culture, trade and architecture stretching back to its founding as a Roman city. A walk around the Barri Gòtic (Gothic Quarter) will take you on a trip through history, with medieval buildings standing alongside the modernist masterpieces of Antoni Gaudí.

Astract Submission & Notification:

16 October 2023Regular abstract submission opens
29 November 2023Regular abstract deadline
Late January 2024Abstract notification
February 2024Late-Breaker call
Early March 2024Late-Breaker notification


16 October 2023Registration opens
14 Febraury 2024Early-bird registration deadline
13 March 2024Intermediate registration deadline
From 17 March 2024Late registration fee

Scientific Programme:

October 2023Preliminary scientific programme online
March 2024Scientific programme online (incl. oral & poster sessions)
17 March 2024Release of abstracts and ePosters on Online Platform

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Wed, 4 Dec 2024 - Fri, 6 Dec 2024

Congresspl. 1
Hamburg, 20355